F- ollow established store standards and program guidelines to perform daily operation P
- rovide good customer service and have a working knowledge of products and systems that meet customer needs in an effective and efficient manner P
- roperly manage store inventory to have enough products to meet customer demand R
- inging sales transactions through the POS system to ensure all items are transacted before goods leave the store S
- upport team member and work cooperatively to meet the needs of all patrons as they strive to make and keep sacred covenants M
- aintain the store in a neat, clean, safe, and orderly manner
- achelor's degree in supply chain, business management or related fields preferred. Candidates who do not meet educational requirements but have extensive related working experience will also be considered A
- t least two years of work experience is required C
- ustomer service related experience preferred E
- xcellent interpersonal and communication skills F
- luent in spoken and written Thai and English. Other languages is optional P
- roficiency in Microsoft Office P
roactive. Able to work independently and under pressure, complete tasks accurately and timely P - roblem-solving attitude, self-motivated and a good team player A
- ble to organize, prioritize and multi-task A